BIKE & TRAILHEAD:2 List Road, Reading PA 19606

MP3 COG Board Meeting

Alsace Township Building 65 Woodside Avenue, Temple, PA, United States

Board meeting of the Mount Penn Preserve Partnership Council of Governments (MP3 COG). Open to the public. Learn more about the Mount Penn Preserve initiatives and hear reports from each […]

Spring Stroll Wellness Walk

Angora Fruit Farm 502 Angora Road, Reading, PA, United States

Join Parks staff as we get out on the Union Canal Trail to enjoy an hour-long brisk walk with likeminded friends. Getting moving this time of the year can be […]

Volunteer Invasive Removal

Angora Fruit Farm 502 Angora Road, Reading, PA, United States

Invasive plant species have changed our natural landscape for centuries. They have completely taken over the understory of our forests, preventing healthy native plants from growing in those areas. Come […]

Trail Tails

Antietam Lake 189 Angora Road, Reading, PA, United States

Get wrapped up in a trail tale and discover plants and animal friends in our parks. This toddler-age program focuses on a nature topic each month partnered with a story […]

Full Moon Hike

Antietam Lake 189 Angora Road, Reading, PA, United States

Walk the trails at Antietam Lake Park on the evening of the Full Moon! Wear sturdy hiking or walking shoes and bring a flashlight. We'll be outside the entire time, […]

Skyline Drive Cleanup

Reading Pagoda 98 Duryea Drive, Reading, PA, United States

**VOLUNTEERS NEEDED** The Mount Penn Preserve Environmental Committee is hosting a Mount Penn Preserve Cleanup Event. The group will meet at The Reading Pagoda. The work involves some walking, light […]

Skyline Drive Cleanup

Reading Pagoda 98 Duryea Drive, Reading, PA, United States

**VOLUNTEERS NEEDED** The Mount Penn Preserve Environmental Committee is hosting a Mount Penn Preserve Cleanup Event. The group will meet at The Reading Pagoda. The work involves some walking, light […]

Skyline Drive Cleanup

Reading Pagoda 98 Duryea Drive, Reading, PA, United States

**VOLUNTEERS NEEDED** The Mount Penn Preserve Environmental Committee is hosting a Mount Penn Preserve Cleanup Event. The group will meet at The Reading Pagoda. The work involves some walking, light […]

Skyline Drive Cleanup

Reading Pagoda 98 Duryea Drive, Reading, PA, United States

**VOLUNTEERS NEEDED** The Mount Penn Preserve Environmental Committee is hosting a Mount Penn Preserve Cleanup Event. The group will meet at The Reading Pagoda. The work involves some walking, light […]

Skyline Drive Cleanup

Reading Pagoda 98 Duryea Drive, Reading, PA, United States

**VOLUNTEERS NEEDED** The Mount Penn Preserve Environmental Committee is hosting a Mount Penn Preserve Cleanup Event. The group will meet at The Reading Pagoda. The work involves some walking, light […]

Skyline Drive Cleanup

Reading Pagoda 98 Duryea Drive, Reading, PA, United States

**VOLUNTEERS NEEDED** The Mount Penn Preserve Environmental Committee is hosting a Mount Penn Preserve Cleanup Event. The group will meet at The Reading Pagoda. The work involves some walking, light […]

Skyline Drive Cleanup

Reading Pagoda 98 Duryea Drive, Reading, PA, United States

**VOLUNTEERS NEEDED** The Mount Penn Preserve Environmental Committee is hosting a Mount Penn Preserve Cleanup Event. The group will meet at The Reading Pagoda. The work involves some walking, light […]